Schedule 1
Estate Agent Signs
Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection and/or display of estate agent signs is permitted in all areas. In addition:1."On Show" signs may be displayed only from 08h00 on Saturday to 20h00 on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.2.Estate Agent signs may not be affixed to trees, traffic signal poles, electric light poles or other poles which carry road traffic signs, walls, fences, rocks, other natural features or landscaped areas, street furniture or other municipal property unless such other display is authorised by the municipality in writing.3.On each sign, the wording "on show" "Show house, Show flat or Show plot" with the Agency’s name and directional arrow must be displayed.4.Signs may be displayed on stakes making use of a design approved by the municipality. Estate Agent signs may not be displayed on concrete, premix or paved surfaces. It is not permissible for stakes to penetrate the ground deeper than 15 cm.5.Estate agent signs may not exceed 0,3 m² in total area.6.Not more than six estate agent directional signs will be permitted in total per show house, show plot or block of flats in which a show flat is on display. The definition of one sign shall include the display of two signboards only when such boards are sandwiched back to back.7.Estate agent signs may not be displayed along scenic drives or access routes and/or on any bridge, public park, public open space or in areas where it will detract from the amenities of the streetscape or environment.8.Only one directional sign per Show house/flat/plot may be displayed along any proclaimed road, excluding roads referred to in 7 above.9.No Estate agent sign shall obscure a road traffic sign.10.No Estate agent sign shall be erected on centre islands.11.No Estate agent sign shall be erected in such a way that any part of it is closer than 1,5 m from a road verge.12.Directional signs shall be displayed along main routes only, being the shortest route from a main road to the property.13.No Estate agent signs may be erected on any tarred or paved areas of pavements.14.Estate Agent signs are only allowed within the boundaries of premises and not on any sidewalk. Where such property is fenced with a wall, such sign may be affixed flat against the wall on a sidewalk.15.Estate Agent signs shall be limited to six signs per premises and one sign per agency.16."Sold"/"For Sale"/"To let"signs must be erected flush against the fence/wall of the property. On vacant stands such signs must be displayed on stakes making use of a design approved by the municipality and only be placed on the said stand or stands, not on the sidewalk.17."Sold" signs may be displayed flush against the fence/wall of the property for a maximum of two weeks only.18.No signs indicating anything other than property for sale may be erected or displayed by Estate agents or agencies.19.Application by each estate agency on an annual basis must be made for permission to display Estate agent signs and approval shall be subject to payment of an annual fee in accordance with the municipality’s Tariff Policy.20.Any Estate agent sign unlawfully erected, or in contravention of the provisions of this Schedule, will be subject to a charge by the municipality, in accordance with its Tariff Policy irrespective of whether such sign is removed by the municipality or not. In the event of the said sign not being removed by the municipality; photographic evidence of the unlawful sign will be obtained by the municipality prior to levying the said charge.
Schedule 2
Loose Portable Signs
Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection and/or display of loose portable signs is permitted. In addition:1.Such signs placed in any road reserve or in a public open pace without the written permission of the municipality is not permitted in terms of the by-law.2.The municipality may remove those loose portable signs placed without it’s permission in any road reserve or municipal property. The municipality will impound these signs. Owners can recover their property on payment of the fees determined by the municipality from time to time which will be used to defray the cost of removal, storage and transportation.3.The municipality will consider applications to permit the placement, within any road reserve or on municipal property of certain loose portable signs which comply with the following requirements:(a)that signs do not pose a hazard in terms of safety to the public and are, in this regard, of appropriate structure and size.(b)that signs do not obstruct or inconvenience the public either by its physical size or location.(c)that signs do not unfairly prejudice other traders.(d)that the signs, or proposed number thereof do not detract from the amenity of the local streetscape or local environment.(e)that signs are solely to advertise the name of the business, goods and/or services for sale from the advertiser’s premises.(f)the maximum dimensions of the proposed signs shall be 1,20 m (height) x 0,6 m (width).(g)that the signs be placed directly in front of the advertisers’ premises, provided that the above criteria are met.(h)A minimum clear footway width of 1,2 m adjacent to the sign be kept clear.4.Approved loose portable signs will be allocated to a demarcated area within any road reserve or on municipal property where, during the normal trading hours, applicants may then place the sign. The said sign must be removed outside normal trading hours and stored away from public view.5.The demarcated area for displaying loose portable signs, will be leased to an applicant at a rate to be set by the municipality from time to time.6.Applicants will be required to indemnify the municipality against any claims for third parties that may arise, due to the placement of loose portable signs within any road reserve or on municipal property and shall take out third party insurance.7.Notwithstanding the above the municipality may cause the removal or impoundment of loose portable signs should the applicant contravene any of the above conditions.
Schedule 3
Transit Advertising
Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection and/or display of transit advertising signs is permitted. In addition:1.The parking of a transit advertising sign which is visible from a public road or a public place for the purpose of third-party advertising is prohibited, except if it is displayed on a designated display site approved in terms of this by-law.2.Transit advertising signs parked on private property for the purposes of storage shall be positioned in such a manner as not to be visible from a street or public place.3.The advertising panel or portion of the vehicle used for transit advertising shall not exceed a cumulative total of 18 m² in areas of partial control, which size may be increased to a maximum size of 36 m² in areas of minimum control.4.The municipality may designate sites in areas of partial and minimum control for transit advertising and shall publish such sites from time to time.5.Notwithstanding any provisions of this by-law, the municipality or its authorised agent may without prior notice carry out the removal of any unauthorised transit advertising sign from municipal property, and, in the case of unauthorised transit advertising on private property, the municipality or its authorised agent may serve a notice calling for removal in terms of this by-law.6.Transit advertising signs must be fixed to the ground at the parking location.7.All such trailers should be registered as mobile transit advertising trailers with the municipality for ease of law enforcement.